Welcome to

The Human


Human Rights and Human Responsibilities

For a world in a State of Grace

The Human Contract Colorglobe

An inspiring promise for yourself, with yourself for a peaceful and thriving humanity.

As human beings we have both rights and responsibilities.
The aim of The Human Contract foundation is to inform and inspire us, to see, understand and act accountable as humans. A peaceful self-impact grassroot freedom movement.

The foundation is for a social transformation, rather than an aid organization. We are not religious or party-political.

The seven principles is a modern form of guidance so that we may become the best of ourselves.

Together, we can create the conditions for humanity to thrive. 

Join our inspiring journey by signing up below!

The Human Contract logo

The seven principles of human dignity

The Human Contract is composed of seven principles of human dignity, all of which are drawn from the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

However, The Human Contract promises are specifically selected to focus on an interpersonal perspective. Our responsibilities are based around today’s modern leadership techniques where equal rights, human development and learning are the core values.

You can read more about the values here.

1st Principle

1st promise


1st promise

From when we are born, we have the right to our own body.
We mature, and we have responsibility for our body and how we treat it regarding nutrition, sleep, exercise, touch, and physical health.

2nd Principle

2nd promise


2nd promise

We have the right to all the range of all our emotions.

We are also responsible for our emotional expression and to mature in our emotions, striving for calmness.

3rd Principle

3rd promise


3rd promise

Every human has the right to their thoughts.
We are also responsible to mature in our thoughts, broaden perspectives, increase our critical thinking, coming to peace.

4th promise


4th promise

Every human has their right to their personal power, how we use our time and energy, and freedom of movement.

We all have a responsibility in how we develop and use all our powers in respect to others´, laws and policies also in respect of everyone’s freedom.

5th Principle

5th promise


5th promise

We have the rights and freedom of expression and creation.

We also have a responsibility to listen, be open to others and stay in communication to mature, individually and interpersonally for a dialog.

6th Principle

6th promise


6th promise

We have the right to live free with whomever, wherever and however we like but never at the cost of any other.
We also have a responsibility towards other lifeforms, and respect how we treat one another.

7th Principle

7th promise


7th promise

As a humanity we have the right to live side by side as neighbors and cohabit. This is fundamental to our existence. The united responsibility of moral courage is to stand up against injustice for one another, according to the seven promises.

Sign up:

Thc Cirkel

Yes! I support The Human Contract movement and a desire to create a peaceful world.

By signing this inspiring promise for yourself, with yourself
for a peaceful and thriving humanity.

You acknowledge your willingness to join the movement of The Human Contract.
I know that all peace in the world starts from within, that beyond all labels we are all human.
I am happy to receive e-mails, letters of information, inspiration, and actions, from which I can unsubscribe at any time.

Contact Form Demo (#3)

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