A few examples from a long list of planned activities to reach people in every walk of life.

  1. Keynote speech
    Expand the speaking engagements globally.  
  2. Content marketing campaigns
    Create informative and engaging content.  
  3. Events and conferences
    Execute large events conferences with self-ambassador training. 
  4. Media/movies/infotainment production
    E.G. Cow for girl (anti-forced marriages),Interview TV-shows (Síle from Ireland)  
  5. The Human Spectra Theory and seven promises education and certification programs
    For partners, companies and organizations.
  6. Wellness and collaboration resorts
    Create physical forums for wellness and collaboration.  
  7. Online collaboration platform and personal human AI coach
    Use technology in the best and human way for people to carry with them. 
  8. Shared services platforms for foundations, charities, and NGO´s
    Philantropreneur help, guidance, and forum 

All in collaboration with the best in each area.