The vision, mission and values
The Human Contract is leadership for all humans. It includes the fundamentals for all human beings, but we are non-religious and non-party-political. The Human Contract is about being human here and now, in this life.
Our goal is a thriving, sustainable, global humanity, within 100 years. Changing our behavior and maturing for a better and peaceful world.
Over the next 100 years and beyond, the Foundation will support a world where every human is enjoying both rights and responsibilities, – a healthy, peaceful, and thriving humanity.
Our mission for humanity is to inspire and communicate the seven promises of our birthrights and responsibilities, regarding health, relationships, and civil participation that creates a more dignified, thriving, and free human.
Serving and guiding humanity with dignity, thrive, love, joy, and freedom.
To achieve human freedom peacefully. As a species we need to assemble rather than divide. By acknowledging our birthrights, practice both our rights and responsibilities, and realize that true peace and freedom starts from within, The Human Contract unites the good forces that come with the understanding of the seven promises, acknowledgment of istima (life learnings) and inspire humans to grow in all walks of life.
The Human Contract - seven promises of human dignity and istima
The seven promises of human dignity are based on the United Nations universal declaration of human rights, but in an interpersonal perspective. The responsibilities are about modern leadership. It is for all mankind. We are born with rights and develop in our responsibilities to become accountable, mature humans.
By understanding and living the principles we evolve as humans and humanity. We are living, embodying power to the people - us!
The movement is about self-leadership -
The human contract is for me, and you as a human beings, and our contribution to the world.
With self-leadership also comes the realization that we can learn and develop in difficult times - "istima". Istima means learning and is an approach to look at "crises" at all levels as "possibilities" instead. We can evolve as humans when we can face, embrace and grow stronger, more insightful in trying and difficult times.

About our logo
The logo embodies our values and the seven principles of human dignity - The Human Contract. The colors in the logo are originally from the spectrum of colors red orange yellow green turquoise blue ... and the light that includes all colors - white.
The logo came to be in a genuine process where we worked with the Swedish Sven - Sven Ljung design. He is modeling the logos that he’s designing through a structured process, with creativity, collaboration and time. We chose The Swedish Sven because he works professionally and from the heart, meticulous listening to the idea and the potential profile places.

The Board

Maria Dolores
Why is The Human Contract important?
We have been through many changes as a humanity. We are now facing a global - local world. This movement can provide for a thin framework for humanity to mature and thrive.
I believe when we all fully understand our rights and responsibilities, when we are living a more compassionate life for ourselves, and each other - then we will have a real change, a change we need in these times.
Maria Dolores
(born Fredriksson, married Ehrling)
Maria Dolores is the founder of The Human Contract. She is a Swedish Human Resource expert, humanitarian, and leadership consultant.
Maria’s Swedish book "A State of Grace - Human Rights and Human Obligations" (Collana 2015) was the first sprout of The Human Contract movement. The translation of the book is planned to launch 2024.
As a keynote speaker at the World Peace Conference, Maria received AMBASSADOR for World Peace Award 2023 in the Stockholm concert hall. Maria has also been speaking at events in House of Commons and House of Lords, sharing about The Human Contract and the importance of both rights and responsibilities.
Maria is a social entrepreneur and a networker, uniting organizations, NGOs, and officials for a better world. She lives and talks about Peace, equality and health for every human being, the need to understand and end suppression in every aspect.
Maria's life-purpose is to inspire and build forums (real and virtual) so people all over the world can live their life-purpose.
Maria lives in Stockholm, Sweden with her daughter.
Read more about Maria Dolores on Sveriges talare

Stefan Heintz
Why is The Human Contract important?
I believe it’s never too late to learn, develop and change as a human being.
There are no bad personalities, just behaviours from our own made-up rules and assumptions that have become routines and actions. When we forgive and accept ourselves and others, we are changing these rules and we mature. When we do this as a collective and collaborate- we are joining a movement that starts from within with the inspiration and framework of The Human Contract.
Stefan Heintz
Stefan Heintz is the Co-Founder of The Human Contract. He is a CEO, sales expert and passionate about his over a decade long experience with CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, charity, volunteer work and impact investing. Mr. Heintz has spent most of his career in Telco and Software industry.
Stefan is the Mastermind behind the structure of The Human Contract foundation and the institutes. This structure is to create a sustainable foundation that will work for humanity and thrive for centuries.
Stefan is the owner of AffecTeam, consulting and marketing of sustainable impact organizations. He is the Growth Director at the new platform VEO (Value Each Other) and establishing The Human Contract Foundation together with the founder Maria Dolores.
Visiting some of the poorest parts of the world, Stefan has seen first-hand what poverty and misuse of our planet and humans looks like. “One person can’t do everything, but everyone can do something”, he says. Stefan is constantly educating himself in the different areas of sustainability and human rights.
Stefan lives with his wife Linda and children in Spain.
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